Bündel Flamenco-Tanz DVD-Unterricht aus dem Konservatorium von Madrid DVD 1 2 3

€ 78.00 € 64.95 EUR

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This DVD pack Flamenco Zapateado Method offers all the doctoral flamenco thesis of Rosa de las Heras, awarded doctorate in flamenco music at the Rey Juan Carlos University and Conservatory of Madrid. The DVDs provide 2 simultaneous views in one screen, the different parts of the foot techniques striking the floor with the sole, half sole, heel block, heel edge and toe. On the upper screen side, you will see the transcriptions of the rhythms made by using the techniques in different flamenco palos.
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The Flamenco Zapateado Method is based upon a doctoral flamenco thesis of Rosa de las Heras, awarded doctorate in flamenco music at the Rey Juan Carlos University and Conservatory of Madrid. The DVD provides 2 simultaneous views in one screen, the different parts of the foot techniques striking the floor with the sole, half sole, heel block, heel edge and toe. On the upper screen side, you will see the transcriptions of the rhythms made by using the techniques in different flamenco palos.

To facilitate the study of the on screen exercises, the beat, the annotation of both feet and the rhythm is displayed. In order to differentiate the two feet, the shoes of Rosa de las Heras each have a different color, starting on the right foot (red) in the forefront followed by the left foot (green). The DVD includes 8 audio options, combinations of Zapateado, guitar, palmas and metronome sounds enabling the student can to practice by selecting the desired audio: Zapateado + Guitarra + Palmas + Claqueta, Zapateado + Guitarra + Palmas, Zapateado + Palmas + Claqueta, Zapateado + Guitarra, Guitarra + Palmas + Claqueta, Guitarra + Claqueta, Guitarra, Palmas + Claqueta.

As a choreographer, flamenco dancer and musician, Rosa de las Heras holds a PhD in flamenco music and dance, giving conferences and courses in municipal schools and colleges, universities and private, international academies. She has participated as a soloist in various companies such as those of Joaquín Cortés, of Rafael Amargo and of Yoko Kotmasubara, performing in various renowned theatres such as the Radio City Music Hall in New York, the Burkanmura Orchard Hall in Tokyo, the Teatro Opera in Buenos Aires, in the Madrid flamenco tablaos of Café de Chinitas, in the Corral de la Morería, in the Corral de Pacheco as well as in the national TV company of RTVE.

  • Zapateado + Guitarra + Palmas + Claqueta
  • Zapateado + Guitarra + Palmas 
  • Zapateado + Palmas + Claqueta
  • Zapateado + Guitarra 
  • Guitarra + Palmas + Claqueta 
  • Palmas + Claqueta

This DVD pack consists of 3 DVDs accompanied by a booklet of explanations:

  • Zapateado 1: Alegrías y Guajira 
  • Zapateado 2: Soleá por Bulerías y Fandangos
  • Zapateado 3: Seguiriyas y Tangos

Languages: Spanish, English and Japanese


€ 18.90

The film opens with the Lorcan song por rumba which ‘Flamenco’ was closed with. But this time ‘Verde que te quiero verde’ isn’t performed by Ketama, but rather by young cantaores Ángeles Fernández and Carlos García. The baile is represented by a large lineup of figures of this time. The first to appear, dressed in red, is Sara Baras por alegrías. She is followed by young talents like Rocío Molina por garrotín, the acclaimed Eva Yerbabuena with the soleá ‘Llanto’, the avant-garde Israel Galván with ‘Silencio’, the creative Rafael Estévez and Nani Paños dancing a guajira by Arcángel, Farruquito with the piece ‘Lluvia de ilusión’ and even his little brother Manuel Fernández ‘El Carpeta’ pointing to the future with a bulería. Moreover, there is room for the group baile choreographed by Javier Latorre in the pieces ‘Semana Santa’ and ‘El tiempo’.

The entire film is sprinkled with moments of cante throughout. Montse Cortés and Estrella Morente represent the established acclaim of young female voices, one with a soleá por bulerías and the other por tangos....

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